Meet the authors

When The UnDutchables was first released in 1989, the authors had spent a cumulative total of 23 years living and working in the Netherlands.


Colin White

Englishman Colin White began his professional life in aerospace technical publications after training as an instrument maker for a defence contractor. In his capacity as a technical author, he has worked in the United Kingdom, Europe, and the Middle East. After moving to the USA in 1987, he embarked on a new career as a writer (and later as a publisher) of non-fiction books and other media. Reflecting on their earlier lives in the Netherlands, Colin and Laurie together wrote “The UnDutchables,” focusing on the sometimes gritty yet often humourous aspects of being non-tourists in a largely tourist-centric but often misunderstood land. In total, Colin and Laurie produced/published over 24 diverse media products between 1989 and 2023.


Laurie Boucke

Laurie Boucke grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and lived abroad for 18 years, mainly in the Netherlands where she co-founded one of the first Indian restaurants, and also in France and Germany. She speaks five languages. Laurie and Colin started their publishing company in 1989 with publication of “The UnDutchables” which takes a humorous look at daily Dutch life and is considered to be a “survival guide” for living in the Netherlands. Laurie also worked as a realtime stenographer for the deaf and hard-of-hearing and authored three reference books and a website for court reporters. She has also been a teacher, mentor and author of books and DVDs about infant potty training, based on extensive anthropological research.

Van Boetzelaerlaan 153
2581 AR The Hague, the Netherlands

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